Latest Episodes
The Original Hogwarts School
Esau’s Piggish Posture; how it unfortunately it unfortunately impacts us all today. Parshat Toldot, 5th Portion (Genesis 26:30-27:27) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Wishing You Well
See how deep well digging profoundly parallels eternal Temple building. Parshat Toldot, 3rd Portion (Genesis 26:13-26:22) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Sowing Kindness
Father Isaac works as a farmer, but growing grain isn’t really his focus. Why not? Parshat Toldot, 2nd Portion (Genesis 26:6-26:12) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Marriage Lessons
How Isaac knew Rebecca was the one, and what it can teach us today! Parshat Chayei Sarah, 5th Portion (Genesis 24:53-24:67) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Beam Me Up
Eliezer makes miraculous travel timing. But who ordered a miracle transport? Parshat Chayei Sarah, 4th Portion (Genesis 24:27-24:52)
Eliezer the Enigmatic
Parsha Insight: Chayei Sarah Eliezer the Enigmatic Unmasked: Abraham’s famous servant looms large in the Bible with many virtuous qualities attributed to him in...