Latest Episodes
Sodom’s Downfall
Learn how violence and abuse against women sealed the fate of Sodom. Parshat Vayeira, 2nd Portion (Genesis 18:15-18:33) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Star (of David) Trek
Abraham as the first Jewish astronaut; is our saga a galactic journey? Parshat Lech-Lecha, 5th Portion (Genesis 14:21-15:6) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
M.I. Diet
How Abraham’s dining habits gave him courage to embark on a Mission Impossible! Parshat Lech-Lecha, 4th Portion (Genesis 14:1-14:20)
Please Be Seated
An extraordinary exposé of the Elijah’s Chair - traditional in all Brit ceremonies. Discover it’s shocking origins and see why that makes all the...
Altar Boys
Abraham builds three Mizbachot; and a surprisingly revealing narrative emerges! Parshat Lech-Lecha, 3rd Portion (Genesis 13:5-13:18)
Murder, Inc.
Why Abraham felt sure to be killed for Sara; what is says about observing Shabbat. Parshat Lech-Lecha, 2nd Portion (Genesis 12:14-13:4)