Latest Episodes
Rapid Deployment
Parshat Chayei Sarah, 3rd Portion (Genesis 24:10-24:26) Discover the unique trilogy of Prayers that wereanswered instantly.
Love It or List It
Abraham’s purchases property; the new jurisdiction defined in royal terminology. Parshat Chayei Sarah, 2nd Portion (Genesis 23:17-24:9)
True Hospitality
Discover the true essence of Hachnosat Orchim as ordained by Abraham. Parshat Vayeira, 6th Portion (Genesis 21:5-21:21)
Operation Gomorrah
Timely lessons from the fiery destruction of Sodom and Amorah. Parshat Vayeira, 4th Portion (Genesis 19:21-21:4)
Rock a Bye Baby
Parsha Insight: Vayeira Be amazed at the shocking and true story of the Biblical origin of the proverbial rocking cradle. Isaac's baby bash attracts...
Be It Ever So Humble
See how patriarchal humility ends up prospering Avraham’s future progeny. Parshat Vayeira, 3rd Portion (Genesis 19:1-19:20) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan