Latest Episodes
Egyptian Circumcision
Understanding the reasoning behind Joseph’s circumcision policy in Egypt! Parshat Mikeitz, 4th Portion (Genesis 41:53-42:18)
Joseph’s Promotion
Joseph is appointed viceroy; everyone only kneels; his brothers actually bow. Why? Parshat Mikeitz, 3rd Portion (Genesis 41:39-41:52)
King Cut
Extracted from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, but why is Joseph’s haircut first? Parshat Mikeitz, 1st Portion (Genesis 41:1-41:14)
By Authority of HaShem
How Potiphar was able to discover Joseph’s secret source of blessing. Parshat Vayeishev, 5th Portion (Genesis 39:1-39:6)
Collateral Damage
Insights into Tamar’s clever collection of Yehuda’s personal artifacts! Parshat Vayeishev, 4th Portion (Genesis 38:1-38:30)
Desperate Housewives
Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Vayeishev A fascinating peek behind the curtain on the biblical narrative of the outrageously salacious advances made by Potiphar’s wife as...