Latest Episodes
Parsha Curiosities: The Secret of the Colorful Coat
Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Vayeishev Cracking the Code on mysterious themes & ideas in the weekly Parsha! In the divisive episode of Joseph and his...
THE FIRST KING - Parshat Vayishlach
Exploring the weekly Parsha’s curious conclusions! The Final Verses of Parshat Vayishlach Before moving into the narratives of Yaakov’s family who will now form...
Parsha Climax The Final Verses of: Parshat Vayeitzei Decades after leaving, Jacob, finally returns to Canaan. He is welcomed home by extraterrestrial messengers who...
MY FIRST SON — The Final Verses Of Parshat Chayai Sara
Chumash Climaxes: Exploring the weekly Parsha’s curious conclusions MY FIRST SON tells the story of the Final Verses of Parshat Chayai Sara Avraham had...
From The Ashes
Parsha Climax The Final Verses of: Parshat Vayeira The Final Verses of Parshat Vayeira: Passing the test of Akaida, Avraham names the stony site...
Pain And Glory A New Take On Circumcision And Cannabis!
Parsha Climax The Final Verses of: Parshat Lech Lecha : ! The Final Verses of Parshat Lech Lecha tell us of the the very...