Latest Episodes
Avoid The Void
Cautionary lessons we can learn from the empty pit into which Joseph was cast. Parshat Vayeishev, 3rd Portion (Genesis 37:23-37:36)
Mystery Man
The mysterious person Joseph met in the field, and lessons we learn from it. Parshat Vayeishev, 2nd Portion (Genesis 37:12-37:22)
Idols & Icons
Practical lessons from Jacob’s allergic reaction to alien religious iconography. Parshat Vayishlach, 5th Portion (Genesis 34:1-35:11) Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
A Safe Landing
"A Safe Landing” In Biblical narrative, Jacob arrives home intact. Find out what this signifies! Parshat Vayishlach, 4th Portion (Genesis 33:6-33:20)
Justifiable Brutality?
Parsha Insight: Vayishlach ? : ? Arriving in Shechem, Dina ventured out to observe the local girls. She was abducted by the Crown Prince,...
Let’s Meat Forward
Why Jacob’s descendants avoid sirloin steak to commemorate a miracle. Parshat Vayishlach, 3rd Portion (Genesis 32:31-33:5)