Latest Episodes
Shaped by Water
Raging flood waters, Torah teachings and innovative technology intersect. Parshat Noach, 2nd Portion (Genesis 7:1-7:16)
From Monster to Role Model
“From Monster to Role Model” The original murderer who became an inspirational model for others. Parshat Bereishit, 5th Portion (Genesis 4:19-4:22)
Divorce Court
Divorce Court Was Adam driven out of Eden by HaShem; or Did Adam drive the Shechina away instead. Parshat Bereishit, 4th Portion (Genesis 3:22-4:18)
Grace Makes Waste
How Manna collection n’ disposal tested our commitment to G-d Al-mighty! Parshat Beshalach, 6th Portion (Exodus 16:11-16:36)
The Wolf Of Torah Street
Binyamin was blessed to “Prey like a Wolf.” What does that mean?! Parshat Vayechi, 6th Portion (Genesis 49:27-50:20)
Practical Piety
"Practical Piety" A study of contrasting spiritual devotions. Who did it better: Reuven or Yehuda? Parshat Vayechi, 4th Portion (Genesis 49:1-49:18)