Latest Episodes
Altar, Don’t Falter
“Altar, Don’t Falter” Abraham builds three Mizbachot; a surprisingly revealing narrative emerges! Parshat Lech-Lecha, 3rd Portion (Genesis 13:5-13:18)
Morning Murder?
“Morning Murder?” Why Abraham feared certain death over Sara; how this reflects on modern-day Shabbat Observance! Parshat Lech-Lecha, 2nd Portion (Genesis 12:14-13:4)
Rainbow Connection
“Rainbow Connection” Sun’s rays refracted through raindrops still symbolize HaShem’s promise. Parshat Noach, 5th Portion (Genesis 9:8-9:17)
Be Fruitful, Not Fearful
, Mission to overcome fear of the future and bravely birth many children. Parshat Noach, 4th Portion (Genesis 8:15-9:7)
Deconstructing the Rainbow
Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Noach Cracking the Code on mysterious themes & ideas in the weekly Parsha! Opening with fascinating messaging and deeper symbolism, this...
The Love Boat
The Love Boat Humbling lessons from Noach: devoted custodian of a sailing survival menagerie! Parshat Noach, 3rd Portion (Genesis 7:17-8:14)