Latest Episodes
Selling Sara or Spousal Support?
Selling Sara or Spousal Support? Was Father Abraham guilty of objectifying and trying to profit from his wife’s beauty, OR was he the first...
The Rainbow Reality
The Rainbow Reality Parshat Noach, 5th Portion (Genesis 9:8-9:17)
By Divine Design: The Decree to Disembark
By Divine Design: The Decree to Disembark Parshat Noach, 4th Portion (Genesis 8:15-9:7)
Boarding the Boat
Deeper meanings of arrival at the Ark and the final prep before the flood! Parshat Noach, 2nd Portion (Genesis 7:1-7:16)
Divine Displeasure!
Divine Displeasure! Did G-d actually experience “Buyers Remorse” —can an omnipotent creator regret creation? Conclusion of Parshat Bereishit (Genesis)
Aftermath! Original Sin and it’s Devastating Consequences...
Aftermath! Original Sin and it’s Devastating Consequences... Parshat Bereishit, 4th Portion (Genesis 3:22-4:18)