Latest Episodes
Something’s Fishy Here
“Something’s Fishy Here” Bestowing benison upon his grandchildren, why does Jacob invoke marine imagery?! Parshat Vayechi, 2nd Portion (Genesis 48:10-48:16)
The Egyptian Express
“The Egyptian Express” The reason Yehuda was “sent ahead” and the practical lesson it teaches us. Parshat Vayigash, 5th Portion (Genesis 46:8-46:27)
Emotional Exits
On leaving the Holy Land, father Jacob gets emotional. Why is that relevant? Parshat Vayigash, 4th Portion (Genesis 45:28-46:7)
Neck & Neck
Why did Yosef and Binyamin’s tearful reunion involve weeping on their necks? Parshat Vayigash, 3rd Portion (Genesis 45:8-45:27)
Speedy Mission
Discover why Yosef asked his brothers, “Is my father alive?”, then insisting they act with the greatest of haste. Parshat Vayigash, 2nd Portion (Genesis...
One Mad Emperor
The rhyme and reason of Joseph’s seemingly erratic behavior. Parshat Mikeitz, 5th Portion (Genesis 42:19-43:15)