Latest Episodes
The Last Mitzvot of the Torah!
The Last Mitzvot of the Torah! Parshat Vayeilech —4th & 5th Portions
Fortress of Solitude
Jethro advises Moses not to “go it alone.” What was Moses thinking? Parshat Yitro, 2nd Portion (Exodus 18:13-18:23)
Don’t Fear the Wolfman
’ Binyamin was blessed to “Prey like a wolf” What on earth does that mean?! Parshat Vayechi, 5th Portion (Genesis 49:19-49:26)
Practical Piety
A study of contrasting spiritual devotions. Who did it better: Reuven or Yehuda? Parshat Vayechi, 4th Portion (Genesis 49:1-49:18)
Parashat Veyechi: Maintain Your Composure
Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Veyechi Cracking the Code on mysterious themes & ideas in the weekly Parsha! "Maintain Your Composure" Up to his final terrestrial...
Use the Force
What is Jacob’s ultimate Legacy -- the spirit of force or the force of spirit? Parshat Vayechi, 3rd Portion (Genesis 48:17-48:22)