Latest Episodes
What Jacob’s Flocks can teach us about facing antisemitism
What Jacob’s Flocks can teach us about facing antisemitism in our modern day and age! Parshat Vayeitzei, 5th Portion (Genesis 30:28-31:16)
Honesty, Integrity and Where G-d Dwells!
Honesty, Integrity and Where G-d Dwells! Parshat Vayeitzei, 4th Portion (Genesis 30:14-30:27)
Pursuing Peace to Make Your Good Life Better!
Kabbalah On Parshat Vayeitzei ! How the Perfect Patriarchal Promulgation of Peace Can Create Promote Inner Peace and Tranquility
Lessons from Antiquity
Lessons from Antiquity Parshat Vayeitzei, 3rd Portion (Genesis 29:18-30:13)
The Mother of Israel’s Chariot!
Jacob Meets Rachel: Her Secret Power Revealed! Parshat Vayeitzei, 2nd Portion (Genesis 29:1-29:17)
Why Hate Not Overt Equals Anti-Semitism at its Worst!
Why Hate Not Overt Equals Anti-Semitism at its Worst! Parshat Toldot, 5th Portion (Genesis 26:30-27:27)