Latest Episodes
Death Of A Salesman
The Climax of Parshat Noach! : Why did Abraham abandon his father to old age? Abraham births Monotheism and abandons his idol-worshiping father. Torah...
Freedom Of Choice Vs Divine Destiny & Does G - D Decide To Change
Parsha Climax: The Final Verses of Parshat Bereishit & - ? Humankind’s Corruption: G-d’s Regret. G-d created People, and then regretted it and decided...
Tribal Blessing Roundup!
Tribal Blessing Roundup! Concluding class on Parshat Veyechi
When Jacob Sought to Spill the Beans!
! Parshat Vayechi, 4th Portion (Genesis 49:1-49:18)
Making Good Better Kabbalah On Parshat Vayechi Revealing layers of Torah truth and Kabbalah secrets that will ignite your imagination, and open your eyes...
Jacob vs Joseph — Showdown over Blessings!
Showdown over Blessings! Parshat Vayechi, 3rd Portion (Genesis 48:17-48:22)