Parashat Veyechi: Maintain Your Composure

December 19, 2018 01:22:34
Parashat Veyechi: Maintain Your Composure
Bereishis/Genesis With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Parashat Veyechi: Maintain Your Composure

Dec 19 2018 | 01:22:34


Show Notes

Parsha Curiosities: Parshat Veyechi Cracking the Code on mysterious themes & ideas in the weekly Parsha! "Maintain Your Composure" Up to his final terrestrial moment the Patriarch Jacob exhibits paranormal stamina, composure and clarity for a person about to pass, and in fact, a glaring scriptural omission indicates he never actually died! How on earth can that make any sense; especially as this entire portion is uniquely revolves around his death with multiple verses explicitly alluding to his demise? Finally, how was his body buried, and did it decompose? Incredible answers that tell us much about Jacob, Joseph and Tzadikim today!

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