Latest Episodes
Do we NEED a Woman in the White House?
Parshat Chayei Sarah, 2nd Portion (Genesis 23:17-24:9)
The Abrahamic Way in Hospitality
Parshat Vayeira, 5th Portion (21:5-21:21)
When Results Need to be Proven!
Parshat Vayeira, 4th Portion (Genesis 19:21-21:4)
When Society Crosses Red Line
Parshat Vayeira, 3rd Portion (Genesis 19:1-19:20)
Parshat Vayeira: When Society Turns Mean...
Parshat Vayeira, 2nd Portion (Genesis 18:15-18:33)
Aftermath! the Day after the Surprise Upset Nobody Saw Coming...
Parshat Lech-Lecha, 5th Portion (Genesis 14:21-15:6)