Make Good Relationships Better!

November 13, 2019 01:15:35
Make Good Relationships Better!
Bereishis/Genesis With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Make Good Relationships Better!

Nov 13 2019 | 01:15:35


Show Notes

Making Good Better Revealing layers of Torah truth and Kabbalah secrets that will ignite your imagination, and open your eyes to amazing new vistas! Kabbalah On Parshat Vayeira ! Almost incidental of a primary biblical narrative, in what might be termed a moment of “divine candor,” G-d “drops the curtain” sharing the secret of why he so loves Abraham. It seems reasonable to say that the importance of this verse cannot be overstated – as it's nothing short of an extraordinarily revealing statement by our Creator about how to best nurture our relationship with Him. And in turn, we can learn how to best cultivate and maintain our personal relationships as well!

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