How The Shield of Abraham can Make [your] Good [life] Better

November 06, 2019 01:14:59
How The Shield of Abraham can Make [your] Good [life] Better
Bereishis/Genesis With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
How The Shield of Abraham can Make [your] Good [life] Better

Nov 06 2019 | 01:14:59


Show Notes

Kabbalah On: Parshat Lech-Lecha Make Your Daily Life Better Revealing layers of Torah truth and Kabbalah secrets that will ignite your imagination, and open your eyes to amazing new vistas! How The [Kabbalah of the] Shield of Abraham can Make [your] Good [life] Better! Responding to unspecified anxieties, G-d's word comes to Abraham: “Do not fear, I am your Shield.” The backstage narrative frames the divine statement as specific to concerns relating to unwanted violent and conflict. Yet, an array of rabbinic sources, as well as our daily prayer liturgy, casts this passage as anything but incidental. The introduction of related yet enigmatic Zoharic statements, viewed through the illuminating prism of Chasidic teaching, reconciles the seeming contradiction and reveals its deepest essence. This all becomes the foundation for practical spiritual wisdom that we can all use to make our good life's better!

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